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App interface


Benefits for students

Students can attend private lessons or group lessons together with the other students. They can also choose the dates and time for the lesson in their own time and availability. They can also schedule for the request and classes and sessions that they want.


They can also search for teachers and view their experience and ratings. For the study groups they can search for what kind of classes they are interested in too. They can also create a new study group for them and the other students as well.

Benefits for teachers

Teachers can view their schedules for the classes and accept requests from students. Teachers can also view the pricing for each lessons and request for the classes as well.

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Study group class

Private class

Rating page

Students can also rate the classes that they have attended at the end of the day. It Is also a helpful way to let the teachers know if the students enjoyed the class the teachers teach.

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Pricing page

Teachers can also view the pricing & availability page for some classes. They can also schedule which classes they are available to teach and the hourly price for the lessons.

App Advantages

Available in both IOS and Android App Store.

Streamlined process to find competent teachers.

In App Payment, Easy to use App.

Allows users to stay connected with each other while engaging in Tadarus.

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